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Aifnir Chieftain



The Aifnir Chieftain rules the hillsides and craggy mountains of Aifnir.  He is a brutal ruler, longlived and wise.  They have rarely been known to poach the livestock of the local farmers, but have been more of a problem of late.  The Aifnir Foragers have been coming down out of thier mountain homelands and have been seen on the byways of the province, and even on the King's road pillaging a caravan.  What mysterious power could force these giants out of thier homeland? 

3D Printed Resin Model Kit - Compatible with Dugeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and other fantasy tabletop games.

Files come Pre-supported

This product is in no way affiliated with nor endorsed by Wizards of the Coast. These parts & files are produced in-house as compatible parts for tabletop gaming.

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